Is this $700 Skincare Product Worth the Money? — Mixed Makeup

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Is this $700 Skincare Product Worth the Money?

Is this $700 Skincare Product Worth the Money?

When I first saw Dr. Sebagh Platinum Gold Elixir ($690) was made with 24k gold and platinum, I immediately thought of that scene in Twilight where Edward Cullen sparkles in the sun (you know exactly which scene I’m talking about). But instead of vampire-like skin, this luxury serum promises to turn back the clock on aging with results similar to Botox.


This elixir is inspired by an injections technique known as the “Nefertiti Lift." It's a series of injections along the jawline and neck that lift and tighten your skin to give you a more youthful appearance. Fun fact: the name Nefertiti means "beautiful one has come" and it comes from an Egyptian queen who was admired for her beauty.

The elixir contains 13 key ingredients that work to tighten, firm, and lift the skin. It also hydrates the skin, increases collagen, and reduces the appearance of expression lines. (The list just seems to keep going.)

The serum is designed as a seven-day dose that you apply as a month long treatment. In comparison to the cost of other anti-aging treatments, the price this elixir isn't so bad. But for a serum, it's quite the investment.

So naturally, I had to try it.

The instructions call for four drops on clean skin every morning and night, so I put a drop on my forehead, each cheek, and my chin. It feels really nice on my skin—it goes on smoothly and has a decent scent.

I haven't noticed any anti-aging results, but to be fair, my young skin probably doesn't need it. However, my skin has felt more smooth, plump, and less dull as I've continued to use the elixir. I also love that it hasn't caused any breakouts or irritation on my sensitive skin.

Maybe other ages or skin types will have better results than me, but for the price, it would’ve been nice to see that worry line on my forehead disappear. I’ll continue to use this elixir, partly because I want to see a difference, but mainly because I want to tell people I have gold on my skin.

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