How to Find the Best Nail Polish for Your Skin Tone — Mixed Makeup

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How to Find the Best Nail Polish for Your Skin Tone

How to Find the Best Nail Polish for Your Skin Tone


It's a sad fact of beauty and fashion – what looks stunning on one person, can look horrendous on another. Unfortunately, that also applies to nail polish, which is why it's important to choose a nail polish that works well with your skin tone. But don't worry, we did the work for you with these expert tips and color recommendations.

If you're not sure about a color, place the bottle against the palm of your hand, says Director of Education for LONDONTOWN Liliana Pennington. "Does the shade look good? Your palms best represent your overall skin tone, so if the answer is yes, it's a good color for you," she says. "If not, you want to choose something else."

Also, it's a good idea to take care of your hands and feet to let the color looks it's best. That means lots of moisturizer and regular exfoliation. This is especially important for darker skin tones, says celebrity manicurist Jenna Hipp. "Dark skin can easily look dull or ashy when dry, so moisturizer throughout the day is key as is exfoliating dead skin cells with a polishing scrub."

Scroll through the gallery above to find the best color for your skin tone, then watch the below episode of The SASS to see how nail polish is made.

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