Here's What To Expect From A Dermaplaning Treatment — Mixed Makeup

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Here's What To Expect From A Dermaplaning Treatment

Here's What To Expect From A Dermaplaning Treatment

Don’t shave it, it will grow back dark and thick! How many times have you heard that in your life? Plenty for me. One of my biggest insecurities has always been the layer of peach fuzz on my face. It’s even more noticeable when I’m wearing makeup, or in the sun (so, like every day). I have dark hair naturally, so the fact that I’ve been blessed with dark chin hair and bright-blonde peach fuzz is beyond me.

Once in a week, in college, I would stand in front of the bathroom mirror at my sorority house to remove the peach fuzz with a Shiseido facial razor. Because of the common “if you shave it, you’re screwed” myth, my “sisters” were horrified. That wasn’t true for me; my hair never grew back anything other than my trusty peach fuzz. The only problem was that it didn’t remove the hair entirely and made my skin feel dry and rough afterward. But since waxing never worked, a facial razor was my only option.

Until Dermaplaning entered my life.

Instead of a razor, this exfoliating treatment is done by a doctor or esthetician using a surgical scalpel to gently scrape off dead skin cells and peach fuzz from the face. It’s this buildup that can often make skin look dull and flaky, or even cause acne, due to clogged pores.

Oh, and don’t let the word scalpel intimidate you. It’s good for all skin types. The treatment is pain-free and feels just like shaving your legs, except it’s your face.  There’s also no downtime, and I noticed a difference in the texture and tone of my skin immediately. Look below and it’s not hard to see why:

WHAT?! Look at all of that! It should go without saying that I felt a breeze on my face that I never had before. With all that removed, my makeup went on smoother and my skincare products absorbed more effectively.

I get the treatment done every four weeks from my go-to esthetician, Jennifer Gerace at the Dermatology Institute and Skincare Center in Santa Monica. She’s the best. For dermaplaning, you can expect to spend $150-$250 per treatment. But since you see results immediately, it’s worth it to me. If you’d rather start with a budget-friendly DIY alternative, a Dermaflash tool is a safe and effective option to try. To see both in action, click on the videos below:


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