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 Manscaping and Male Waxing Guide: What To Expect at Your First Wax Appointment

Manscaping and Male Waxing Guide: What To Expect at Your First Wax Appointment

Male waxing has gone mainstream! Men who shave regularly and hate the itchy feeling of the hair growing back, or just want a smoother, longer-lasting solution are trading their razors in for wax appointments. If you’re new to the world of waxing and want to know what to expect, we’ve got you covered with tips from wax expert and owner of WAX LA, Lindsay Pierce. Keep reading for everything you need to know before your first wax appointment.

What should you expect at your first wax appointment?

Your first wax is always the most painful because of the thickness and coarseness of the hair. Some wax salons will provide a topical numbing spray prior to the treatment to help take the edge off. "With regular visits and return treatments, you will experience less pain and quicker service time because the hair grows back finer each time,” says Pierce.

How to Prepare For Your First Wax

Before your wax, you should refrain from using any topical treatment like retinoids or other skin thinning creams. Pierce recommends exfoliating the area and cleansing as normal, however don’t apply any lotions or creams prior to the treatment. You can trim beforehand, but most wax services will include an in-house trim during the service to ensure you do not trim too close to the skin. If you’re going to trim, make sure your hair is no shorter than 1/4 inch (about the length of a rice grain).

How Long Does a Wax Last?

A wax treatment lasts about typically 4 weeks, which means you can enjoy that silky, smooth feel for much longer than a shave.

Post Wax Tips

Pierce recommends that you exfoliate 24 hours after your treatment and every time you’re in the shower to prevent ingrown hairs and to maintain a fresh, smooth skin feel.

Have you waxed before? Tell us about your first wax experience in the comments below!

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